As Few As They Were

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The Luftwaffe threw everything they had at Britain, and Britain held. Buildings,
shipping, airfields were blown apart, but Britain held. So few planes, so few qualified pilots, and Britain held. For those
few crucial weeks, when Hitler threatened everything from bombing into submission to invasion, Britons stood together, shoulder
to shoulder, through the thick and the thin of it all, so Winston Churchill's quote summed it up perfectly...." this was their
Finest Hour"
A Brief Timeline
This is a brief timeline of the events, a more detailed one
can be found via the Battle of Britain: Day by Day link.
10 July - 7 Aug preliminary phase 8 - 23 Aug attacks on coastal
targets 24 Aug - 6 Sept attacks on Fighter Command airfields 7-30 Sept daylight attacks on London mainly by heavy bombers 1
- 31 October daylight attacks on London mainly by fighter-bombers

Music Playing: Battle of Britain March
from the soundtrack of the film
The Battle of Britain